Rich in Vitamin E Foods: Eat these foods for Glowing Skin 2024

Foods For Glowing Skin - Vitamin E Rich Foods

Vitamin-E Rich Foods: These days many people are getting wrinkles on their face at a young age. This is due to pollution, lifestyle and malnutrition. Eat more foods rich in vitamin E to have glowing skin. Including foods rich in vitamin E in the daily diet can slow down the aging process. Today let’s learn about foods that are rich in vitamin E.


Almonds are a vitamin E powerhouse. 100 grams of almonds contain 25 mg of vitamin E. Include these in your breakfast.


Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E. 100 grams of nuts contain 35 mg of vitamin E. Eat these as snacks.

Spinach, Broccoli

Green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are rich in vitamin E. Make soup and drink them or cook and eat curry.


Avocado is a delicious fruit. It contains a large amount of vitamin E. 100 grams of avocado contains 7 mg of vitamin E. Spread it on the toast. Make a habit of adding it to salad. Tomato Tomatoes are rich in lycopene and are also a good source of vitamin E. 100 grams of tomato contains 1.5 mg of vitamin E. It can be mixed in salad and drunk. Or it can be added to curries and eaten.

Salmon and tuna fish

Fish like salmon and tuna are rich in vitamin E and omega-3 fat. These are very good for the skin. Eating fish twice a week provides good nutrition for the skin.

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