Bhairavakona Temple Near Ongole, Andhrapradesh

Public buses ply to Bhairavakona at particular times of the afternoon from Prakasam. Bhairavkona Kona is located at a distance of 70 km from Prakasam. Government buses, personal jeeps, and autos are available from the villages of Hosapalli and Ambavaram to Bhairavakona.

Bhairavkona includes a famous Shiva temple. What is AD? Built in the 9th century. Bhairavcona is the home of the Pallava kings. Removing the hills and building them into caves was a fantastic marvel at the moment. The sculptures on the walls of the caves reveal the architecture of the Pallavas.

According to the place, Bhairava was the priest appointed by Prahlada at the Krita yuga dance hall. After the passing of Prahlada, Bhadrapada was forced to look after the temple or Bhairav ​​for huts. The enraged Narsimhaswamy informs him to turn into a creature, and to accept anything is brought to him from the devotees imperceptible to him, and also to serve him again. Bhairavacona has been worshiping Bhairavakona ever since

According to the place, Bhairava was the priest appointed by Prahlada at the Krita yuga dance hall. After the passing of Prahlada, Bhadrapada was forced to look after the temple or Bhairav ​​for huts. The enraged Narsimhaswamy informs him to turn into a creature, and to accept anything is brought to him from the devotees imperceptible to him, and also to serve him again. Bhairavacona has been worshiping Bhairavakona ever since

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